Should Junk food be banned In School Cafeterias EBA essay #2
Hundreds and thousands of people around the world daily are being seen overweight and not eating enough nutritional food. Source A is an article, published by The New York Times Upfront, Source B is an article of Junk food May be prohibited In School Lunches This Fall published by Erica Robinson, and Source C is a Norton Center Infographic illustrating Childhood obesity, these articles all have in common by demonstrating that junk food should be banned in school cafeterias. The three reasons why Junk food should be banned in school cafeterias is because of kids addicted to Junk Food, eating disorder, and obesity epidemic. First of all, the reason why junk food should be banned in school cafeterias is because of kids addicted to unhealthy snacks. Since kids want to eat more snacks with high in calories and sugar they will never want to stop eating due to them thinking it is ok to eat as much as you want. The author of Source B states in the article that, “ He told Mental Floss that some foods are purposely made with bland ingredients so that you crave more food or you just add enough sugar or salt until your mouth explodes with flavor”. This influences that junk food should be banned in school cafeterias because if kids eat more unhealthy foods companies add more ingredients causing children to crave more junk foods. Due to kids wanting to eat more unhealthy foods the consequences could cause them to gain weight, but on the other hand the more kids buy the more money the companies receive. Also, the author of Source B states, “As far as sugary snacks new research shows sugar may be just as addicting as crack”. This new research proves that junk food should be banned in school cafeterias because it affects the areas where kids are wanting and wanting more unhealthy foods, but in reality they can’t stop eating junk food. This influenced kids to be addicted to junk food causing them to eat more high calorie foods. In conclusion, children are wanting to crave more unhealthy food because they enjoy it and they never think about the consequences in their future. Second for all, the reason why junk food should be banned in school cafeterias is because of kids eating habits. Throughout the population sixty million adults are obese. The author of Source A states, “Nearly 300,000 people die each year from complications associated with being obese or overweight”. The consequences of being obese and overweight is having a shorter lifespan than their parents. Also, due to teens wanting to eat more unhealthy foods the areas that will be affected is losing the things you enjoyed doing, but no longer can’t do and losing your appearance to get out more due to how you look and your size. Also, the author of Source A states, “ Poor eating habits developed at an early age lead to a lifetime of real health consequences”. Due to overweight teens and adults wanting to eat junk food, but they can’t get any at school so they would rather buy some and eat it at school. In schools they are putting new nutritional foods, but I think it will not succeed because overweight teens would be tempted eat a bag of cheetos during lunch rather than the school lunches. In conclusion, teens eating habits are becoming worse and worse every year, nut they don’t realize who they are affecting and hurting. Third of all, the reason why junk food should be banned in school cafeterias is because of teens and children’s obesity epidemic. Throughout the United States over 25,000,000 teens and adults are overweight or obese. In source C the diagram states, “Since 1970 children obesity rates, have increased by 500%”. This has influenced children to eat more unhealthy foods due to the ingredients in the snacks with high in calories and sugar causing them to crave more food. In addition, since kids are wanting to crave more and more unhealthy foods the consequences could be having type 2 diabetes or to have cholesterol. According to source C by the infographic it states, “Today’s children will be the first generation since the Great Depression, projected to have a shorter lifespan than their parents”. This demonstrates that school cafeterias should ban unhealthy foods because today we eating more unhealthy foods due to companies developing more ingredients to put in snacks with high in calories rather than the past who did not have much ingredients to develop ingredients to put in foods. The consequences of teens eating high on sugar and calories can cause them to have a heart diseases due to being out of shape. To finish off, with teens craving more unhealthy foods than healthy foods the consequences for them can make them physically out of shape and health diseases in the future. The three reasons why Junk food should be banned in school cafeterias is because of kids addicted to Junk Food, eating disorder, and obesity epidemic. With kids being addicted to junk food can cause them to gain weight due to snacks with high in calories and sugar. Also, with kids having eating disorders the consequence could be having a shorter lifespan than their parents. In addition, teens and adults with obesity epidemic can have the consequence of having a heart disease or be bullied and teased for their size. Google Essay- EBA In class #3 Thousands of people around the world have been abusing google's ability to find information quickly. In the articles the Shallows: what the Internet is Doing to our brains by the published Nicholas Carr, Google effect: is Technology making us stupid by the publisher Genevieve Roberts, and the infographic published by online colleges, it demonstrates how google is making us stupid. Throughout the globe, many people are being distracted with their cell phones and google wanting to stay connected to each other. Rather than talk face to face. Also, with adults using google to look up something they will find it, but the research will never stick inside their mind and memories. Google is negatively affecting human intelligence because individuals to make connections, and it is making people shallow, not allowing people to be dependence on superficial knowledge. To start off, the reason why google is negatively has been affecting our intelligence is because it’s making us shallow. In source A by the author Nicholas Carr he states, “it’s also encouraging us to think superficially”. This demonstrates that since we could find anything on google we think it can help us with ay problem we have. The consequences of us wanting to think superficially prevents us to keep in mind the research we find and also not allowing us to sink in the memories of the research. According to source A Nicholas Carr states, “Google doesn’t want us to slow down”. This proves that it is making us shallow by giving us quick research without even thinking if it it is true or not. The consequences of us wanting to find info through websites and pictures through ads google posts the more money they receive. To continue, the reason why google negatively has been affecting our intelligence is because its not allowing us to make connections. With google not allowing us to make no memory. In source B by the publisher Genevieve Roberts she states, “it’s through remembering that we make connections with what we know, what we feel, and this gives rise to personal knowledge.” This has influenced us by not wanting to know what we know rather than make connections with something else that does know. The consequences of us not wanting to make connections can put us in a bad position by changing the human memory to follow and agree with the memory in a computer or some other device. According to source B by Genevieve Roberts it states, “If we’re not forming rich connections in our own minds,we’re not creating knowledge”. This demonstrates that since we don’t try to find the answer to a problem we would rather look it up and not know anything. An Example, can be found in a social studies class poster where it states, “If you don’t know History, you are doomed to regret it”.This quote is true because if we don’t make connections from the past then we are probably going to make the same mistakes in the future. To finish off, the reason why google negatively has been affecting our intelligence is because of our dependence on superficial knowledge. The consequences of google affecting our knowledge can cause us to believe anything that is published on a website is accurate. According to source C of the infographic, it states, “These tools have replaced our need to memorize many details; and without these we may be lost”. This demonstrates that if we don’t bother to memorize things we would rather have a computer in handy to keep us informed. In addition, if we allow technology such as google it can maybe later control by allowing ourselves to find anything on the website. In Conclusion, with us wanting to find everything on Google it has been affecting our intelligence by not letting us think and find the answer for ourselves. Google is negatively affecting human intelligence because individuals to make connections, and it is making people shallow, not allowing people to be dependence on superficial knowledge. With kids not wanting to make connections with what they have learned they are tempted to look it up on google making it more harder to make connections. With google providing a lot of information it is causing people to become shallow due to the information not sinking into their memories. Google is negatively affecting our intelligence by making our superficial knowledge into believing that everything that has a publisher’s name or is on google is accurate.
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